Dues fotografies publicades a Focus: Passages, per Lark Books.
Normalment reviso la safata d'entrada d'SPAM (brossa) per si de cas s'ha colat algun mail que en realitat no és SPAM. Quina va ser la meva sorpresa quan el 12 de setmebre del 2009 vaig rebre un mail on suposadament entrava en la preselecció d'unes fotografies meves per a formar part d'un llibre dedicat a portes, de l'editorial Lark Books, americana. Després de fer les investigacions pertinents sobre la validesa d'aquell mail, vaig decidir aplicar i finalment les dues fotos de sota van quedar seleccionades per aparèixer en el llibre, el qual ja tinc a les meves mans. Moltes gràcies als que han fet això possible. Us deixo les fotos i l'abstract del llibre amb algunes explicacions dels de Lark Books.
Lark Books
Have you ever been walking through town or on a morning hike when you came to a standstill, entranced by something that caught your eye? Perhaps it was something out of the ordinary, such as a child’s sidewalk chalk drawing, or perhaps it was something unexpected, such as a brightly-colored alley door you’d never noticed before. Did you then reach into your pocket or your pack and pull out your camera–professional, personal, polaroid, or phone–and capture that intriguing image? If so, you’ll appreciate our Focus series, which celebrates the art of the unexpected photo and the community of photographers who embrace and encourage our infatuation with the visual image.
Focus: Passages, delves into the photographic community’s passion for the evocative power of doors, tunnels, and other passageways: bright city doors; moss-covered hideaways; underground tunnels; stained-glass cathedral entries; open or closed, each passage has a story to tell or questions to ask.
We asked the photographers in Focus: Passages to reflect on the nature of passageways and what the concept of a “door” means to them. Here are a few of their quotes:
“To me, a door symbolizes the liminal space between one place and another. A door equals transition, metamorphosis, progress, opportunity, and the unknown. Yet it also equals a sense of comfort and a sense of home.” –J.C. Fink
“The world is full of doors, both actual and imagined. A closed door is a mystery that urges us to solve it, while an open door is an invitation to a friendlier place. Is something hidden behind a closed door? Is that door a test? What if we opened it and walked into a secret world?” –Christian Cable
“A door is like the wrapping paper on a present. You never know what you’ll find—a room, a tunnel, a staircase—until you open it.” –Pirlouiiiit
“Doors hold the promise of a new experience.” –Pace Ebbesen
“Every door takes us to a different world. Every door is a silent witness of history. When I see a special door and capture its image, it makes me think of the people who have crossed its threshold.” –Leonardo Ramon Diaz
“A door is a connection between two worlds—my own familiar one and an unknown one. A door is a thin film that’s easily—and not so easily—penetrated, a boundary between two worlds that are possibly in conflict.” –Abel Pau Garcia
“As a photographer and wandering spirit, I view doors as symbols of possibility and hope.” –Stephanie Hatzakos
“To me, a door symbolizes the liminal space between one place and another. A door equals transition, metamorphosis, progress, opportunity, and the unknown. Yet it also equals a sense of comfort and a sense of home.” –J.C. Fink
“The world is full of doors, both actual and imagined. A closed door is a mystery that urges us to solve it, while an open door is an invitation to a friendlier place. Is something hidden behind a closed door? Is that door a test? What if we opened it and walked into a secret world?” –Christian Cable
“A door is like the wrapping paper on a present. You never know what you’ll find—a room, a tunnel, a staircase—until you open it.” –Pirlouiiiit
“Doors hold the promise of a new experience.” –Pace Ebbesen
“Every door takes us to a different world. Every door is a silent witness of history. When I see a special door and capture its image, it makes me think of the people who have crossed its threshold.” –Leonardo Ramon Diaz
“A door is a connection between two worlds—my own familiar one and an unknown one. A door is a thin film that’s easily—and not so easily—penetrated, a boundary between two worlds that are possibly in conflict.” –Abel Pau Garcia
“As a photographer and wandering spirit, I view doors as symbols of possibility and hope.” –Stephanie Hatzakos